Monday, June 6, 2016

A Dead Zone Almost Half As Big As NJ Formed Offshore 40 Years Ago

Climate scientists are studying three major changes to the ocean caused by climate change: warming, acidification, and deoxygenation. Both low oxygen and acidity are expected to worsen as ocean temperatures rise, especially in areas that already have a history of naturally low oxygen levels.

NJ learned that 40 years ago.


June is the 40th anniversary of the first reports by divers off Sandy Hook of a floc-covered seafloor of dead or dying fish and shellfish. By the 4th of July, sulfide-blackened bottom waters had expanded southward about 12 miles off Manasquan (Mahoney, 1979; Walsh, 1979).

By the time the Bicentennial summer had passed, 3300 square miles of bottom waters - 60 feet to 37 miles offshore, from Sandy Hook to Cape May – had become hypoxic (low-oxygen) or anoxic (no oxygen) (Sindermann et al., 1979).

Cooler temperatures and vertical mixing of the water column finally put oxygen back into the bottom waters by October. But the commercial fishing industry has lost more than $430 million in surf clams, bluefish, tuna, fluke, sea bass, and lobster. It was declared a resource disaster area by the Federal government, and is still the worst marine die-off in the state’s recorded history (Sinderman et al., 1979; Walsh, 1979).

Not Pollution

While the die-off happened near the highly-polluted Hudson-Raritan Estuary, as well as the sludge and spoils dumpsites that existed offshore in 1976, there jut wasn't enough nutrients from these sources to account for the scale of the event (Swanson et al., 1979).

Instead, it was the way weather and ocean currents came together that year to create an anomalous, massive event - a "perfect storm”, like Superstorm Sandy, but below the ocean surface.

Since it was much warmer than usual during February and March, the ocean surface began warming earlier than normal. As the lighter, less dense water at the surface warmed faster than at the bottom, the water column stratified and formed a barrier that isolated surface water from bottom water (Chant et al., 2004a). Salinity (halocline), temperature (thermocline),and density (pycnocline) stratifications developed earlier than usual (Sinderman et al., 1979; Swanson et al., 1979). The cooler, denser, and less oxygenated bottom layer separated from the ocean surface – a few months earlier than normal.

This meant the trapped oxygen had to last a few months longer. Secondly, river run off began two months earlier and this led to more nutrients being deposited into the bay. On top of all of this, there was significantly less storm action that spring and summer. Usually the storms break up algae blooms and mix up the water column bringing oxygen to the deeper water layers. All of this meant the oxygen in the ocean depths had to last the marine life two additional months.”

Winds and Currents

Most significantly, southerly winds began in late winter rather than in April, and southwest winds persisted for 4-6 weeks through May and June (Malone et al., 1979; Sinderman et al., 1979; Swanson et al., 1979). Not only did the wind create a stronger thermocline separating the surface and bottom water - it concentrated a massive bloom of the dinoflagellate Ceratium tripos in the isolated bottom waters.

C. tripos is normally an insignificant species of algae found offshore in cold, dark water, where its numbers are kept in check by grazing copepods (Malone et al., 1979; Sinderman et al., 1979; Swanson et al., 1979). But that year the southwesterly winds moved it into the sealed-off bottom waters, where it accumulated from February until July (Malone et al., 1979; Sinderman et al., 1979; Swanson et al., 1979).

The persistent southwesterly winds also slowed, then reversed. the normal southwestward (north to south) flow of bottom currents on the shelf (Sinderman et al.,. 1979; Walsh, 1979), massing the algae in stagnating currents, until the algae bloom finally used up all the available nutrients and oxygen (Malone et al., 1979; Sinderman et al., 1979; Swanson et al., 1979). Then the bloom crashed, using up even more oxygen as it decomposed - initially from Sandy Hook to Manasquan, then expanding towards Atlantic City (Mahoney, 1979). The dead algae was the ubiquitous floc the divers had seen.

As the decomposing bloom rapidly used up all the remaining oxygen, sulfate – the oxygenated form of sulfur in seawater - was reduced to the form without oxygen - hydrogen sulfide. H2S is a gas that smells like rotten eggs and turns water and mud black. It is lethal to marine life, especially benthic (sediment dwelling) organisms – like surf clams, hard shell clams (quahogs), lobsters, and sea scallops. They are literally stuck in the mud – and couldn't flee like most of the finfish did. Some of the territorial fish, such as the eel-like ocean pout, died hiding in the rocks (Reid, 2006; Sinderman et al., 1979; Swanson et al., 1979).


The low oxygen event in 1976 happened in part due to a strong, early upwelling. Winds normally predominate from the south during the summer in NJ and form a nearshore current at the surface that flows to the north. This creates the littoral drift that deposits sand on the southern side of jetties in Monmouth, and is why we have a barrier beach like Sandy Hook. When southwest winds persist for several days, cold, higher-saline bottom water flows towards the shoreline as warmer, lighter water is disperses offshore. Upwellings are why sometimes on a blazing hot day at the beach the water is too cold to go swimming.

There are nice graphics of upwellings at the Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (the COOL Room) here and here. In 2015, @Rutgers_Cool tweeted the first upwelling of the year on May 26th. No upwelling tweet so far this year because of our cooler El Nino spring.

Staying Tuned

In 2011, Rutgers tracked chlorophyll levels in an offshore algae bloom of Nannochloris that became huge enough to make the news and be called “the blob”. This was also caused by an upwelling, and stretched from Sandy Hook to Cape May, but was broken up by Hurricane Irene in August before it could grow large enough to lower oxygen levels.

Scientists at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Institute in Maryland have found that Atlantic Silversides (spearing) in Chesapeake Bay will die in oxygen concentrations that don't normally kill them when the water is also acidic. Silversides are the bottom of the marine food web in NJ as well. Anything that threatens their survival also threatens the survival of the larger predator fish that depend on them.

Rutgers' Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences uses marine gliders (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) to map subsurface dissolved oxygen levels off the NJ coast, that has been supported by both the EPA and the NJDEP, Station JCTN4 (Buoy 126) at the Jacques Cousteau Reserve near Atlantic City measures dissolved oxygen in the Great Bay at the southern end of Barnegat Bay.

You can see which way coastal currents are moving, and lots of other information, whenever you like, at The New York Harbor Observing and Prediction System (NYHOPS) webpage, maintained by the Davidson Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology.

Selected References

Chant, R.; Glenn, S.; and Kohut, J. 2004. Flow reversal during upwelling conditions on the New Jersey inner shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 109, C12S03.

Figley, B., Carlson, J., Vaughan, D., and Hollings, S. Accessed 6/5/16. Ocean Fishkill/1976.

Malone, T., Esaias, W. and Falkowski, P. 1979. Chapter 9. Plankton dynamics and nutrient cycling. Part 1. Water column processes. In Oxygen Depletion and Associated Benthic Mortalities in the New York Bight, 1976. NOAA Professional Paper 11. Rockville Md. December.

Mahoney, J. 1979. Chapter 9. Plankton dynamics and nutrient cycling. Part 2. Bloom decomposition. In
Oxygen Depletion and Associated Benthic Mortalities in the New York Bight, 1976. NOAA Professional Paper 11. Rockville Md. December.

Rutgers Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences. Accessed 6/5/16. Discover New Jersey’s Dead Zone Discover NJ Blooms.doc

Sindermann, C. and Swanson, L. 1979. Chapter 1. Historical and regional perspective. In Oxygen
Depletion and Associated Benthic Mortalities in the New York Bight, 1976. NOAA Professional Paper 11. Rockville Md. December.

Swanson, L., Sindermann, C. and Han, G. 1979. Oxygen depletion and the future: an evaluation. In Oxygen Depletion and Associated Benthic Mortalities in the New York Bight, 1976. NOAA Professional Paper 11. Rockville Md. December.

Reid, R. and Radosh, D. 1979. Benthic Macrofaunal Recovery After the 1976 Hypoxia off,New Jersey
U. S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. National Marine Fisheries Service. Northeast Fisheries Center. Sandy Hook Laboratory Highlands, New Jersey 07732

Walsh, J. 1979. Forward – Oxygen Depletion and Associated Benthic Mortalities in the New York Bight, 1976. NOAA Professional Paper 11. Rockville Md. December.

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