Tuesday, February 3, 2015

“Acceptable” Cancer Risks for Radon, Fracking Waste, Nuclear Power, and Radiological Disasters

January was Radon Action Month.

The EPA Action Level for radon gas in indoor air is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). The EPA would prefer that you start reducing your exposure at 2 pCi/L.

That's because people living in homes with 4 pCi/L could be receiving 300 to 800 millirem (mrem) a year. In 2009, the NJDEP reported (pps. 19-20) that the lifetime risk for lung cancer at this level is about 24 in 1000, which is equal to 24,000 in one million. They define lifetime exposure as 30 years.

The average level of radon in homes in NJ, 2.4 pCi/L, has a lifetime risk of cancer of 14 in 1000 (14,000 in a million). Even the average level of radon in outdoor air, about 0.4 pCi/L, has a lifetime lung cancer risk of about 2 in 1000 (2000 in a million), according to the NJDEP.

Compare that with the “acceptable” risk for a chemical carcinogen. The Maximum Contaminant Level for benzene in drinking water is 5 parts per billion. That's a risk of about 5 in a million, if you drink 2 liters a day for 70 years.

The NJDEP has a map of the NJ coastal plain that shows where higher radon levels are due to naturally-occurring uranium deposits usually found in glauconitic soils.

One in a Million

Here are some other risks for getting cancer after being exposed to radiation, based on the National Academy of Sciences’ Report on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VII) from 2006. The National Research Council posted a summary of the BEIR VII report that concluded that there is about a one-in-a-million risk of cancer for each dose of 1 mrem.

This does not include the dose from radon and other background radiation, which is about half the average exposure of 620 mrem a year in the US. It is an average risk - it does not take into account the higher risk of cancer in the younger years. Slide 18 shows the cancer risks at different ages after being exposed to 10,000 mrem (10 mGy), based on BEIR VII.

Fracking Waste and Nuclear Power Plants

North Dakota is proposing to raise the allowable level of radiation in fracking and other waste disposed at their landfills. It would would increase the standard from 5 picocuries per gram to 50 pCi/g. The state Department of Health commissioned the Argonne National Laboratory to determine how much a change in the regulation would increase the exposure for workers and the public. The ANL estimated that 50 pCi/g would increase the dose to no more than 100 mrem a year.  

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission requires nuclear power plants limit the public's exposure to radiation to 100 mrem a year.

The average risk of cancer determined in BEIR VII is about a 1 in a million risk for each millirem. For 100 mrem, the risk would be 100 in a million. The risk for being exposed to 100 mrem a year would be 3000 in a million for 30 years, and 7000 in a million for 70 years.

Protective Action Guidelines for Disasters: Nuclear Power Plants, Dirty Bombs, Nuclear Terrorism

In 2013, the EPA published its PAG Manual Protective Action Guides And Planning Guidance For Radiological Incidents. The “acceptable” levels in the PAGs for disaster response, evacuation, and remediation range from 100 to 2000 mrem a year.

The advocacy group Nuclear Resource and Information Service, using BEIR VII data - and factoring the higher risk of cancer in the younger years - concluded:

EPA's estimate of a 70-year lifetime exposure at 2 rem per year [2000 mrem] is that 1 in every 6 people exposed would get a cancer [166,667 in a million] … Even at the 0.1 [100 mrem] lower end of possible cleanup levels, the risk would be 1 cancer for every 123 people exposed [8,130 in a million]. EPA historically has required cleanup sufficient to prevent exposure to contaminants outside a risk range of one in a million to one in ten thousand; these new recommendations would permit risks orders of magnitude higher.”

The highest PAG level, 2000 mrem (20 millisievert), is being used to allow residents to return to their homes contaminated by Fukushima Daiichi. It is also what the NRC proposed in 2014 as the highest annual dose for workers at nuclear facilities, down from the current standard of 5000 mrem a year.

This Blog Did Not

This blog did not address the controversy over predicting cancer rates from exposure to low level radiation:

The risk of increased cancer incidence is well established for doses above 10 rem [10,000 mrem]. For low doses, it has not been possible to scientifically determine if an increased risk exists, but many scientists believe that small doses of radiation do lead to increased cancer risk, and that the degree of risk is directly proportional to the size of the dose. Risk estimates from low doses are obtained by extrapolation from high dose observations.”

It did not consider the trade-offs in those grim numbers in the 2013 PAGs for disaster response, evacuation, and remediation. According to the EPA (on page 76):

Exposure limits in a range of one in a population of ten thousand (10-4) to one in a population of one million (10-6) excess lifetime cancer incidence outcomes are generally considered protective, though this may not be achievable after a large radiological incident. In making decisions about cleanup goals and strategies for a particular event, decision makers must balance the desired level of exposure reduction with the extent of the measures that would be necessary to achieve it, in order to maximize overall human welfare.”

Or as James Conca, puts it, “You personally might decide to become a refugee over rad levels equivalent to living in Idaho, but do you have the right to make someone else do that?”

This is discussed in in Part 1 and Part 2 of a previous blog.

The lack of preparedness for a radiological disaster outside the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zones around Nuclear Power Plants is discussed in this blog.